Anatomical Position
The anatomical position is assumed in discussions concerning the body, how it moves, posture, or the connection of one region to another. The body is in an upright, or standing, posture with the arms at the sides and palms facing front in this reference position (Figure 1-12).
Body parts and areas are described using words. One of the most prominent exterior organisational traits in humans is bilateral symmetry. A line divides the figure in Figure 1-12 into bilaterally symmetrical sides. Body parts and areas are described using words. One of the most prominent exterior organisational traits in humans is bilateral symmetry. A line divides the figure in Figure 1-12 into bilaterally symmetrical sides.
When comparing identical anatomical regions or exterior surfaces on opposing sides of the body, there is a significant correlation in size and form.
The phrases ipsilateral and contralateral are frequently used to describe how one bodily component is positioned in relation to another. on the same side of the body or on the other side of the body. These words are most commonly used to describe an injury to an extremity. Contralat eral simply means "on the other side." Ipsilateral simply means "on the same side."
When an arm or leg is damaged, it's important to compare the affected and uninjured sides carefully. Only a skilled observer who compares a suspected region of damage with its equivalent portion on the other side of the body can detect minor edoema or deformity on one side of the body. In the event that the right knee is damaged, the left knee is classified as the contralateral knee.
Both the head and the feet are facing forward. The anatomical position serves as a point of reference for the directions. 1–12 FIGURE Anatomical location and symmetry on both sides. The body is in an erect, or standing, position with the arms at the sides and palms forward in the anatomical position. Both the head and the feet are facing forward.
Right side of body anatomy human anatomy organ placement anatomical position of organs in human body sides of body anatomy sides of the body anatomy anatomical backside of the body anatomical position of abdominal organs anatomical position of feet anatomical position organs.